Thursday, January 22, 2009

Grape Nuts...............

Why the hell are they called Grape Nuts??? They have nothing to do with Grapes?


I wasn't thrilled when he won but I'm trying to keep a positive attitude since negativity never accomplished anything.

But, considering two of his first few actions as President, I'm not too enthralled.

1. Calling Mahmoud Abbas as your first phone call to any foreign leader.

This is a fucking joke. No matter how you feel about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict it is beyond contention that the PLO/Hamas/Hezbollah target women and children in their attacks and their charter's first paragraph calls for the destruction of Israel. Bush understood it was democracy (Israel) against those who kill women for being daring enough to go to school. That Obama made this his first call is an abomination!

2. Signing an excutive order that will lead to the closing of Guantanamo Bay.

Do people fucking realize these people would cut your mother's tits off and feed them to you without thinking twice!?!?!?!? They won't care that you were "nice" to them and gave them Due Process. To them, you are an infidel, nothing more. Some of those who have been released have killed again! Either keep the prison camp open indefinitely or execute them and then close the base.

Look, how about in your first few days helping out some goddamn American citizens for Christ's sake! How about lowering our tax rates permanently so that we can begin to move the economy again! How about leading the effort to increase our use of Nuclear Energy and how about not nominating someone for Treasury Secretary who FUCKING didn't pay his own taxes.



What did I tell you..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Weeze the juice...............

Gotta love youtube. I was thinking about Encino Man randomly today and within 45 seconds I had the classic clip of "Weeze the Juice".

Fucking awesome

Monday, January 12, 2009

Something I heard on Mark Levin tonight...

That makes perfect sense;

I assume all these pro-choice people (NOW, NARAL, etc...) will be up in arms in protest against Nationalized health care!

Think about it; the thrust of their argument against banning abortion is "we don't want anyone telling us what to do with our bodies". Fine, I assume then that means you don't want a handful of bureaucrats telling you what is best for your health care!

I'm sorry, that hysterectomy just doesn't fit into our little government run box of health care, you'll have to join a waiting list. I'm sorry, you must get the Mastectomy whether you think it's the best thing for your particular form of cancer whether you want it or not!

Careful what you wish for NARAL, NOW, etc.... you might just get it!

BTW: I LOVE Mark Levin's show. He tells it like it is and isn't afraid to call out RINO's either.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Awesome news!

For those who may not have heard about this....

This is great! Can you imagine how for along things like this will be in 20, 30 or 50-100 years! What a wonderful testament to the human spirit and not giving up ever!

LiveStrong indeed!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Phoenix rises from the ashes.....

Kinda sorta thinking about this for my first TATTOO!!!!

Still haven't decided yet, still mulling it over. Might look good on my shoulder blade or suttin.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Does stress really give you more gray hair?

I would have to say yes! I have noticed a good deal more silver in my hair in the last few months than ever.


Well, my wife and I are in the last stages of buying a home, we both have demanding jobs, Christmas season is here and the economy is in rough shape. Also, a good friend of mine's hair is steadily going gray as well. He has a small kid, a job in real estate and is under a lot of stress himself.

Oh well, "they" say that gray makes a man look distinguished. I say; in what aisle can the Just For Men be found?